Greek budget shows surplus of €2.29 bln in Jan-May

The Greek state budget remained on a positive course in May with tax revenue exceeding the target by 9.3% over the month.

The Finance Ministry reported that tax revenue totaled 5.15 billion euros in May, 9.3% above the target, while tax revenue was 9.6% over the target in the January-May period, totaling €22.95 billion.

The general government budget showed a deficit of €1.126 billion in the five-month period, from a budget target for a shortfall of €4.446 billion and a deficit of €4.066 billion last year.

The state budget recorded a primary surplus of €2.289 billion euros in the January-May period, compared to a budget target for a deficit of €1.396 billion and a primary deficit of €1.49 billion in the same period in 2022.

Net revenue was €26.241 billion, 12.6% above the target, while tax revenue was €22.95 billion, 9.6% over the target. Tax rebates totaled €2.71 billion, €459 million above the target, while Public Investment Program revenue was €1.95 billion, €240 million over the target.

Budget spending totaled €27.37 billion in the January-May period, €383 million below the target, but €1.015 billion above that of the same period last year, reflecting higher capital spending. Regular budget spending was €470 million below the target.

Public Investment Program spending totaled €3.88 billion, €87 million above the target. In May, budget revenue totaled €5.18 billion, €426 million over the target.
